About Artist
Artist Statement
I am an abstract artist who works primarily in mixed media abstract reclamation processes addressing human responsiveness–sight and touch. I choose to work in large format with a collection of numerous sorts of non-art materials, left-over builders items, and a myriad of other man-made utilitarian and organic findings in my art designs. I find that this mixture of materials heightens the art viewer’s visual and tactile experience as they begin to reference each part of the art to something that they know. I often watch people watch art, and I read the body language as they confront the work with questions in their minds. But in essence, the answer is only how it makes you feel; where it takes you for the moment in time; and what you think later.

Latonja Davis-Benson is a mixed media painter, assemblage artist, and graphic artist. She has shown her work in numerous private and public venues throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties. Much of her artwork lives in the homes or companies of collectors. Latonja holds a Bachelor in Art and a Master in Fine Art, and works as a teacher of higher education in Riverside County. She also holds a degree in Radiologic Sciences and works as a licensed mammographer on occasion.
Latonja is not afraid of taking risks in the exploration of new ideas, uncommon territories, and fruitful business opportunities. She is driven to succeed artistically and professionally through exhibition of her artworks; as a teacher of higher education in art, and as an entrepreneur in business, thus accomplishing what she loves: creating, showing and teaching art. In addition, Latonja, aka Professor Queen BEE Artist, recently started a sip and paint business, called PaintHiveStudio.com (based in the Inland Empire), where art expression is encouraged on a fun, social level.

Latonja’s spirit animal is the owl; an animal who reminds her to be true to herself in life and as an artist. She mirrors the demeanor of the owl in her own artistic, exploratory pathways by being observant, calm, majestic, and calculated to decipher and respond to the stimuli around her.
Enter the Collections

Commission Sold

BrahMan. Plaster sculpture with acrylic paint and found materials.15" x 20"
Wise. Oil on canvas. 40" x 55"

It Was 1992. Acrylic, latex, cardboard mixed media montage. Gallery wrapped canvas. 72" x 97".